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Child Safeguarding at Koora Academy

Ensuring Safety & Well-being

At Koora Academy, our top priority is the safety and well-being of the children we work with. We want to ensure a secure and positive environment for both our young athletes and our coaching team.

Here's what you need to know:

Our Principles:

  • Children's well-being always comes first in everything we do.

  • We all share the responsibility of keeping children safe.

  • Children have a say in matters that affect them.

  • Every child, no matter who they are, deserves equal protection.

  • Some children may need extra care and attention.

  • We work together with children, parents, caregivers, and other agencies to create a safe space for kids.


Our Coaches:

  • Our coaches are trained to watch out for anything that might harm a child.

  • We conduct sessions in a safe and responsible manner.

  • Our coaches are equipped to handle any issues that might arise during training.


Our Policy:

  • This policy is our rulebook for child protection.

  • It applies to everyone associated with Koora Academy, including coaches, volunteers, and staff.

  • If anyone doesn't follow this policy, we'll take it seriously and may have to let them go.


Definition of a Child:

  • In our eyes, anyone under 18 is considered a child, even if they live independently or are in the armed forces or hospital.


Child and Adult Abuse:

  • We take action if we learn about abuse happening outside of our sessions.

  • Abuse can come in different forms, like physical, emotional, sexual, or neglect.


What Safeguarding Means:

  • It's about protecting children from harm, making sure they stay healthy and develop well, and providing safe care.


Our Commitment:

  • We follow The Football Association's principles for safeguarding children.

  • Our policy is based on laws and rules to protect children in England.


Reporting Concerns:

  • If you have any concerns about a child's safety, please tell us right away.



  • Our coaches, employees, and volunteers are trained to know how to keep children safe and to treat them with respect.


Keeping Things Private:

  • We promise to keep all information confidential, and we'll only share it if it's needed to protect a child.


Recording and Record Keeping:

  • We keep records of any concerns about children and store them securely.

  • We report serious incidents to the relevant authorities.


Safe Recruitment:

  • We make sure the people working with children are safe to do so. We carry out all necessary background in our recruitment process.


Social Media and Technology:

  • Our coaches and volunteers follow rules for social media use.

  • Taking photos or videos of children without permission is not allowed.



  • We encourage people to report any concerns or wrongdoings. We protect the rights and anonymity of whistleblowers.


Child Safety Measures:

  • We have staff trained in first aid at every location.

  • Our venues are risk-assessed for safety, or we make sure they have recent risk assessments.

  • If there's a significant injury or incident, we'll let parents know and keep confidential records.


Medical Information:

  • Parents should let us know about any medical conditions their child has. We'll share this information only with the staff who need to know.


This is our promise to you, the parents and coaches, that we're dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of all the children who come to Koora Academy. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we'll create a safe and supportive environment for our young athletes.

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